Monday, December 14, 2015

What will today hold?

As a parent there are those days when I go to bed at the end of the day feeling like "wow I'm finally figuring this out.  My kids were great today and we all got along.  Tomorrow will be a great day!"

Then tomorrow comes.  All of a sudden my amazing parenting doesn't seem to be working.  I try the same thing I did the day before, but for some reason it doesn't go as smoothly.  

Why?  Because we are human and we aren't the same from day to day...and wow that makes this an adventure with so many trials along the way.  Change from day to day is so difficult and at times, frustrating.  Then other days change is exciting and fabulous.  But knowing which will be which is next to impossible.  Not only do I not know what to anticipate from day to day, but neither do my kids...and I can surely change easily from day to day, which I'm sure is unfair and frustrating for my kids at times.

So I'm sure God sees the same thing in me as His child.  He probably looks down and thinks "how can she be so different today when it seemed like yesterday she was figuring it out?"  

But unlike my parenting changing and my kids trying to figure me out, I Luckily don't need to try and figure out how God will be from day to day.  Because we are promised in Hebrews that "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever."  

In a changing world where I never know what any second will hold, I am clinging to that promise today.  I am finding peace in a Father who never changes and loves me with a constant unchanging, unending Love.  

Thank you, God, for being my one constant in this world.  Let me cling to you today when I start to feel uneasy about so much change.  Help me walk in your peace and share that with those around me.  Amen.

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